1st Floor
The sprinkler system has already been installed over the area designated as Phase 1 that covered the library's Technical Services division, its loading dock, and its mail room. The installation has also been finished in the Phase 2 area that included the southeast side of the building including the elevator lobby, help desk, and Learning Commons, although rebuilding the ceiling in much of this area is expected to continue through February.
The following is the sprinkler installation schedule for the remaining areas of the floor and for information about how requesting books from construction-affected areas see these directions.
Phase 4 Area: Jan. 19 – Feb. 2
Area location: northeast quadrant of the building
- Collections affected: Book stacks RC321.E94 - ZA9999
- Faculty carrels affected: F112, F113, F114
- Student areas affected : computer work stations in the Quiet Area
- Grad student carrels affected: carrels in areas 224V, 225V, and 226V along the northwest wall of the building
Area location: northwest quadrant of the building
- Collections affected: Books stacks QE1.A28 - RC321.E95
- Office areas affected: CLUE offices (125, 124, 123,123A), Head of Acquisitions office (126)
- Student areas: Media Room (119), group study rooms (120 and 121)
- Grad student carrels affected: carrels in areas 127V and 147V along the northwest wall of the building
2nd Floor
Once the 1st floor work is complete, the sprinkler system subcontractor will return to the 2nd floor.
Phase 2 Area: March 3-6
Area location: northwest quadrant of the building
- (There is just a small amount of minor finish work remaining there.)
Area location: This a newly designated area in southwest quadrant of the building limited to the staffed areas of Microforms & Newspapers and Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
- Collections affected: Microforms | Newspapers
- Office areas affected: Microforms | Newspapers, Interlibrary Loan ILL
Area location: southwest quadrant of the building
- Collections affected: Book stacks QD1.T63 - QD951.W82
- Faculty carrels affected: F209-F216
Area location: southeast quadrant of the building
- Collections affected: PS92.02 - QC3.P35
- Faculty carrels affected: F201-F208