Monday, October 20, 2014

Ceiling Work to Progress to Phase 2 Area of the 2nd Floor

The subcontractor installing the fire suppression (sprinkler) system is expected to begin moving to the Phase 2 northwest quadrant of the 2nd floor tomorrow, just about a day behind schedule.

Workers have already removed most of the plastic sheeting from the book ranges in the Phase 1 area, where work began on Sept. 29. Indeed, in this past phase they were able to uncover some book ranges early, in stages, as they worked outward from the center of the building, once the main “feeder” lines for the system were run.

Work will begin in the Phase 2 area with protective covering of the book ranges and the carrel areas, and with the removal of ceiling tiles in the rows where pipe will be installed. Faculty carrels affected in Phase 2 are F217-F224. The graduate study carrels affected are those in area 224V, 225V, and 226V along the northwest wall of the building.

It is not yet known whether the short delay in moving from one zone to the next with require a revision to the phasing schedule for the 2nd floor overall, or whether the subcontractor will make up the time within this next phase. A new crew was brought in for the 2nd floor work and after an initial learning period the crew is reported to be handling the work efficiently with few problems, so the current schedule may hold. If not, a revised schedule will be posted as quickly as possible. 

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